Personal Brand Core Values Explained the Easy Way

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Woman pointing to personal brand core values text

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal branding? 

Welcome to “The Beginner’s Guide to Personal Brand Core Values.” If you’ve ever wondered how to stand out authentically in a crowd, this guide is your roadmap. 

No jargon, no complicated theories—just simple, fun insights to help you define what makes you, well, YOU. 

Get ready to uncover your personal brand core values and let your authenticity shine. Let’s make this adventure unforgettable!

What the Heck Are Personal Brand Core Values?

Personal brand core values are like the guiding stars of your personality—they’re the beliefs and principles that steer your choices and actions, much like honesty, responsibility, and empathy.

  • Think of them as your personal code, giving you a clear path to navigate through life.
  • For example, if “authenticity” is one of your core values, it means being true to yourself and others, without pretending to be someone you’re not.
  • If “community” is on your list, it could mean prioritizing collaboration and making a positive impact in your social circles.

In simpler terms, these values are the heart and soul of your personal brand, showing off your realness and what makes you stand out.

So, imagine them as your own little compass, always pointing you toward being the awesome, authentic you.

Why Do I Need Core Values for My Personal Brand?

Personal brand core values act as the unwavering principles that guide you through life’s twists and turns. 

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Imagine them as your life’s GPS, providing a clear direction in the midst of life’s crazy journey. 

These values aren’t just abstract concepts; they are your personal guidebook, helping you make choices that align with your true self. Here’s why they matter:

  • They provide a clear direction in the crazy journey of living.
  • These values help you make choices that align with what truly matters to you, acting like a personal guidebook for being the best version of yourself.
  • They’re more than fancy words; they create a real and trustworthy image that others can see.
  • In a world with tons of choices, your core values act as an anchor, keeping you grounded in what you believe.
  • Whether you’re working or hanging out with friends, having core values ensures you stay true to yourself, making life more purposeful and satisfying.

Bonus: According to experts, those who live by their core values report higher levels of life satisfaction, meaning, and purpose.

What Are Common Brand Core Values?

Company and Personal Brand Core Values List

Alright, here’s where we can take inspiration from businesses who have mastered core values. 

After spending a big chunk of my life marketing some of the worlds largest brands, I know how much work goes into this step – and for good reason. 

Company core values are like the important rules a company lives by, like being honest, teamwork, thinking up new ideas, caring about customers, and showing respect to everyone.

On the personal side, it’s your own set of important things, like telling the truth, cherishing family, staying healthy, finding joy, and feeling safe.

 And you know what’s cool? These values can switch up over time as people and companies grow and change. It’s like how your go-to snack might change, but these values are what make you and your workplace super awesome!

  • Company Core Values:

    • Integrity
    • Teamwork
    • Innovation
    • Customer Focus
    • Respect
  • Personal Core Values:

    • Honesty
    • Family
    • Health
    • Happiness
    • Security.

Full list of Personal Brand Core Values

Graphic or all of the words for personal brand core values

Here’s a list of personal brand core values with definitions and examples:

  1. Authenticity: Being true to oneself, genuine, and transparent.

    • Example: Sharing both successes and challenges on social media, presenting an unfiltered version of oneself.
  2. Integrity: Upholding strong moral and ethical principles.

    • Example: Always keeping promises, even when it’s challenging.
  3. Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.

    • Example: Actively listening to a friend’s concerns and offering support without judgment.
  4. Compassion: Demonstrating kindness and concern for others’ well-being.

    • Example: Volunteering time to help those in need within the community.
  5. Creativity: Embracing originality and innovation in thinking and problem-solving.

    • Example: Designing a unique and imaginative project at work.
  6. Resilience: Bouncing back from challenges and setbacks.

    • Example: Learning from failures and using them as opportunities for growth.
  7. Gratitude: Recognizing and appreciating the positive aspects of life.

    • Example: Keeping a daily gratitude journal to reflect on positive experiences.
  8. Innovation: Seeking new ideas and solutions, fostering a forward-thinking mindset.

    • Example: Introducing a novel approach to improve a work process.
  9. Balance: Maintaining equilibrium between work, personal life, and well-being.

    • Example: Allocating time for work, family, hobbies, and self-care.
  10. Open-mindedness: Being receptive to diverse perspectives and ideas.

    • Example: Engaging in conversations with people who have different opinions and beliefs.
  11. Collaboration: Working together with others to achieve common goals.

    • Example: Leading a team project where everyone contributes their unique strengths.
  12. Humility: Acknowledging one’s limitations and being modest.

    • Example: Giving credit to the team for success and accepting constructive feedback gracefully.
  13. Ambition: Setting and pursuing challenging goals with determination.

    • Example: Continuously seeking opportunities for career advancement and skill development.
  14. Adaptability: Flexibility and willingness to adjust to changing circumstances.

    • Example: Successfully transitioning to remote work and adapting to new technologies.
  15. Courage: Facing challenges and taking risks with bravery.

    • Example: Speaking up for one’s beliefs, even in the face of opposition.

These values provide a foundation for shaping a personal brand that reflects authenticity and resonates with others. Feel free to choose values that align with your individual preferences and aspirations.

How Many Core Values Should I Have?

The sweet spot for core values is in the 3-7 range for most people. 

The number of core values you should have is subjective and depends on what truly resonates with you. It’s not about quantity but quality. 

Focus on a select few, typically ranging from three to seven core values, that are the most meaningful and reflective of who you are. 

Having a concise set of core values makes them more memorable and actionable, guiding your decisions and actions with clarity. 

A shorter list also ensures that your values remain impactful and aren’t diluted. 

Remember, it’s about cultivating a genuine and authentic personal brand, so choose the core values that truly represent your beliefs, principles, and aspirations.

7 Common Core Values for Strong Leaders

leaders list of core values for their personal brand

Not quite sure what your top core values should be? No worries. Take some tips from those who already master this skill – strong leaders.

Effective leaders often embrace a set of core values that shape their leadership style and foster team success. Here are seven common core values for strong leaders:

  • Integrity: Demonstrating honesty and ethical behavior, cultivating trust within the team.

  • Empathy: Understanding and connecting with team members on a personal level, creating a supportive work environment.

  • Accountability: Taking responsibility for decisions, actions, and outcomes, promoting a culture of ownership.

  • Vision: Providing a clear direction and inspiring a shared goal, guiding the team towards a common purpose.

  • Resilience: Navigating challenges with perseverance and adaptability, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Collaboration: Encouraging teamwork and leveraging diverse strengths, promoting a collective approach to problem-solving.

  • Servant Leadership: Prioritizing the well-being and development of team members, leading with a focus on serving others.

Conclusion: Personal Brand Core Values

In wrapping up our journey through personal brand core values, remember this: your values are the special ingredients that make your story uniquely yours.

 They’re not just fancy words; they’re the compass guiding you toward the most genuine version of yourself. 

So, as you navigate this adventure of defining your core values, cherish the authenticity they bring to your personal brand.

 Let your values be the spark that lights up your path and showcases the extraordinary qualities that make you, well, unmistakably YOU. 

Here’s to a personal brand that shines bright with authenticity and purpose!

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