3 Simple Ways To Upgrade Your Personal Brand at Work

Confident Woman Personal Brand At Work

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Confident Woman Personal Brand At Work

Your personal brand at work shouldn’t be the same now as it was ten years ago. 

Why? By then, you’ve had ten years of growth, and your personal brand should have grown with it. But just like anything, the longer you do something, the more likely you are to develop some bad habits along the way.

Don’t worrry. There are three simple things you can decide to do now to drastically improve your personal brand at work. 

Why is a Strong Personal Brand at Work Important?

According to a recent post, 70% of hiring managers consider a strong personal brand more crucial than a solid resume. 

When you think about it, it adds up. While a resume outlines skills and experiences, your personal brand is the lasting impression you create. 

It highlights the significance of how others perceive you, going beyond the details on paper.

Personal Brand Upgrades for Work

Having strong self awareness and being intentional is crucial when it comes to these simple upgrades. 

Taking time now to decide what you want your personal brand to be will help you tremendously at work. 

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Think of it as a, intentional, clear view of who you are and who you want to be at work.

These personal brand at work upgrades are all about:

  • How You Decide to Show Up
  • How You Decide to Communicate
  • How You Decide to React

1. Decide to Show Up Better

Appearing confident is key for your image at work. When you show confidence, it not only gives off a good feeling but also makes people trust you more.

 Your visual presentation—how you stand, what you wear, and your overall look—sends a strong message. 

It’s like telling everyone, “I’m not just present; I’m prepared and capable.” This visual confidence goes hand in hand with your belief in your skills, influencing how others see you. So, stand tall, dress well, and let your confidence show—it makes a big difference for your personal brand at work!

2. Decide to Communicate Better

Intentional communication is crucial for shaping a positive personal brand at work because it directly influences how you are perceived by colleagues and superiors. 

The way you communicate, whether through spoken words, written messages, or non-verbal cues, reflects your professionalism, clarity, and interpersonal skills. 

By being intentional in your communication, you ensure that your messages are clear, concise, and aligned with your personal and professional values. 

This fosters understanding, trust, and effective collaboration, contributing to a favorable image. Moreover, intentional communication demonstrates thoughtfulness, showing that you are mindful of the impact your words have on others, thereby reinforcing a positive and reliable personal brand in the workplace.

  • Influential Perception: Intentional communication shapes how you are perceived at work.
  • Professionalism and Clarity: It reflects professionalism, clarity, and interpersonal skills.
  • Alignment with Values: Being intentional ensures messages align with personal and professional values.
  • Building Trust: Clear communication fosters understanding and trust.
  • Positive Image: Thoughtful communication reinforces a positive and reliable personal brand.


3. Decide How You Want to React

Think about how you usually react when things get tough. If crying or getting angry is your usual go-to, that might happen at work too, unless you decide to change it. It’s a bit like having a default reaction, almost like a reflex. 

To switch things up, picture yourself in a possibly stressful work situation and choose a different, calmer way to respond. It’s like rewiring your automatic reaction, so you can handle tough moments at work more calmly.

In fact, a study by Stanford University revealed that athletes who visualized their successful performances showed significant improvements in their actual training and competition results.


In conclusion, enhancing your personal brand at work is like embarking on a journey of self-improvement through three key upgrades.

 First, decide how to show up better by consciously choosing a positive and professional image.

Second, communicate better by honing clear and effective communication skills, ensuring your messages are impactful and well-received. 

Finally, react better by managing your responses to challenges, cultivating composure, and making intentional choices. 

Consistently applying these upgrades not only elevates your professional reputation but also contributes to a more positive and collaborative workplace environment. 

So, keep refining how you present yourself, communicate, and handle situations, and witness the enduring positive impact on your personal brand in the professional realm.

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