How to Determine Skin Undertone

Three women models on how to determine skin undertone

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Determining your skin undertone can help you choose the most flattering makeup colors, clothing, and even hair shades that complement your complexion.

There are several methods you can use to determine your skin undertone.

We’ll show you the easiest and most effective ways.

Skin Undertone Self Tests

Skin undertone tests are assessments or methods used to determine an individual’s skin undertone.

The undertone refers to the underlying hue or tone that affects the overall appearance of your skin, regardless of its surface color or shade.

Understanding your undertone can be helpful when selecting makeup, jewelry, and clothing that flatter your complexion.

1. Vein Test – The Fastest Way

The vein test is a quick and easy way to determine your undertone. All you need is some natural light, and your wrist. Most people try this method first because there is no need to gather any materials.

  • Find natural light and look at the veins on the inside of your wrist.
  • If your veins appear blue or purple, you likely have cool undertones.
  • If your veins appear greenish, you likely have warm undertones.
  • If you can’t clearly distinguish between blue and green, or if you have a mix of both, you might have neutral undertones.

2. Metals or Jewelry Test – Two For One

When using the metals or jewelry test, you get two very helpful answers in one simple test. You’ll discover your skin undertone, plus you’ll learn which jewelry color looks best on you. Silver or gold?

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First, you’ll want to grab two pieces of jewelry – one gold and one silver. You’ll be holding them up to your face while looking in the mirror, so choose your largest pieces. (Big earrings and chunky necklaces tend to work best for this.)

Here’s how to determine skin undertone with jewelry:

  • Gather a silver and a gold piece of jewelry.
  • Hold the silver jewelry against your skin on one side of your face, and the gold jewelry on the other side.
  • If the silver jewelry looks more flattering, you probably have cool undertones.
  • If the gold jewelry looks better, you likely have warm undertones.
  • If both metals complement your skin equally, you might have neutral undertones.

3. White Paper or Fabric Test – Most Traditional

There are two types of people – those who look better in white, and those who don’t.

The white paper, or white fabric, test will help you discover which one you may be. Grab whatever is easiest for you – a piece of white paper or fabric to get started. (Make sure it’s pure white and not off-white or cream.)

  • Hold something that is pure white next to your face in natural light.
  • Pay attention to how your skin looks against the white.
  • If your complexion appears more radiant, healthy, and bright, you probably have warm undertones.
  • If your skin looks more dull, sallow, or grayish against the white fabric, you likely have cool undertones.
  • If you can’t clearly determine a significant difference, you might have neutral undertones.

Remember that these tests provide general guidelines, and individual variations in skin tones can exist. If you’re still uncertain about your undertone, you can consult with a professional makeup artist or a beauty specialist who can help you determine it accurately.

Skin Undertone Types

Skin undertones are classified into three main types: cool, warm, and neutral.

Undertones refer to the underlying tones of color that are present in your skin, regardless of its surface complexion.

Here are the three main categories of skin undertones:

Warm Undertone

If you have a warm undertone, your skin has hints of yellow, peach, or golden hues. Warm undertones are commonly found in individuals with olive, tan, or darker skin tones.

If your skin is lighter, it can still have warm undertones. Your skin may have a golden or peachy undertone, and may tan easily in the sun.

Cool Undertone

Cool undertones are characterized by hints of pink, red, or blue. People with cool undertones often have fair, rosy, or porcelain skin.

However, there are also several women with dark skin who have beautiful cool undertones. People with dark cool undertone skin typically have a rich and deep complexion ranging from deep brown to ebony with a natural coolness to it.

Neutral Undertone

Neutral undertones have a balance of both warm and cool tones. People with neutral undertones have skin that may have a mix of beige, olive, or other muted tones.

Conclusion: How to Determine Skin Undertone

How to determine skin undertone lies in three simple and quick tests.

There is the vein test, the jewelry test, and the white paper or fabric test.

Those tests will put you in one of three skin undertone types: Cool undertone, warm undertone, or neutral undertone.

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