5 Free Ways to Master Your Personal Brand Look

woman working on her personal brand look

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woman working on her personal brand look

Mastering your personal brand look doesn’t have to cost you a single penny. 

If you have a couple of minutes and are willing to take action, the sky is the limit for you.  

We’re sharing 5 absolutely free, proven ways to take your personal brand look to the next level. 

1. Know Your Seasonal Color Palette

Want an easy way to boost your beauty game and match your personal brand? Wear colors that make you look great and skip the ones that don’t. 

Take our quick 1-minute color season quiz – it’s like having a personal beauty helper. This quiz helps you find your “color season,” so you can pick makeup shades that suit your skin tones.

 Knowing your color season makes it simple to highlight your best features and stay true to your personal brand style. It’s like getting a personalized beauty routine that fits your unique look, and the best part? It only takes a minute to get started!

2. Know Your Skin Type

Your skin in your biggest organ, you need to know how to care for it.

Knowing your skin type can help you pick the right products to heal, nourish, and flaunt your gorgeous skin. 

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It’ll guide you to your own special skin routine, your best beauty products, and your best beauty fixes.

The Benefits of Knowing Your Personal Brand Skin Type

Knowing your skin type is like having a secret plan for looking your best. Here are three major benefits for you and your brand:

  1. Your Special Skin Routine: Your skin is unique, just like your own style. When you know your skin type, you can make a special routine that suits it perfectly. It’s like giving your skin the care it deserves to look awesome.

  2. Choosing Your Beauty Team: Think of your skincare products as your beauty squad. When you know your skin type, you can pick the right products that work well together. It’s like having a team that supports your skin and keeps it happy.

  3. Highlighting Your Awesome Skin: Your skin is a big part of your look. Knowing your skin type helps you fix any issues, like pimples or dryness. It’s like putting a spotlight on your skin’s best features so you can shine.

3. Pick Your Mentors

Thanks to the internet, you can learn from just about anyone for free these days. 

With a few simple google searches you can learn from people who are already doing what you want to do. 

The “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit” mentality absolutely does not apply here – and that’s what people forget. 


What Self-Help Mogul Rachel Hollis Taught Me About Mentors

Here’s a story that comes full circle to support this idea. 

I vividly remember when everything I thought I knew about having a mentor, changed forever. 

It’s when I heard Rachel Hollis mention in her audiobook that some of her biggest mentors didn’t even know she existed. She didn’t learn from them face by face, she learned however she could through google searches and other ways that we all can to. 

Your mentors don’t have to be someone you know, just someone you can learn and grow from. 

The book I learned this from is Girl, Wash Your Face. But, if you want to stick to the free theme here, you can also learn so much from her blog for free.

4. Find Your Tools

Think about what you want to create with your personal brand. 

What products, training tools, or services can help you get there?

It’s important to remember that the quality of a painter’s brushes, a musician’s instrument, or a photographer’s camera directly impacts their ability to create the art they envision. 

What Tools Do You Need for Your Personal Brand Look? - Questions to Ask Yourself.

Not all tools are free, but creating a list of the tools that you need to support your personal brand look can be.  

Here are three simple questions to help you figure out what tools you need to make your personal brand look better:

  1. How Do I Want to Look?

    • Think about the way you want people to see you. Do you want to look professional, casual, or creative? Knowing this helps you choose tools that match the look you’re going for.
  2. What Am I Good at, and Where Can I Improve?

    • Look at what you’re already good at and what you could do better. This helps you find tools that highlight your strengths and fix things that could be better.
  3. Who Do I Think Looks Cool?

    • Think about people or brands you think look really cool. What do you like about how they look? This can help you figure out what tools or things you might want to try for your own style.

5. Take Your Minute

Start small. Commit to taking this brand growth journey one-minute at a time. 

Ditch the pressure of giant leaps and embrace the micro-magic! James Clear, the genius behind “Atomic Habits,” whispers a secret: tiny, steady moves snowball like crazy. 

Think adding one push-up daily, reading a page before bed, or learning a cool word – bam! Over a year, those 1,440 tiny ripples turn into a tidal wave of progress, 525,600 steps towards your best self!

These wins aren’t just confetti; they’re rocket fuel for your motivation engine.

 Each completed minute is a mini-celebration, a pat on the back from your inner cheerleader. And the best part? These bite-sized steps don’t trigger the “all-or-nothing” monster. 


In conclusion, these five simple ways to master your personal brand look are all about embracing your uniqueness and making intentional choices. 

From tailoring your skincare routine to choosing the right products, understanding your skin type, and discovering your perfect colors, each step contributes to a more authentic and confident you.

By investing a little time and attention into these aspects, you’re not just improving your appearance—you’re shaping a personal brand that effortlessly reflects your true self. 

So, go ahead and implement these strategies, and let your personal brand radiate with authenticity and style!

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