5 Calming Questions to Ask Yourself When Anxious

5 questions to ask yourself when anxious

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5 questions to ask yourself when anxious

Anxiety got you in a spin? No worries, friend, we’ve got this! Let’s hijack this feeling with your own personal superpower: your senses!

Ready for a five-step calm down?

1. Eye spy: Find something calming to stare at. Fluffy clouds? Sunlight on the floor? Lock in, breathe deep, anxiety who?

2. Sound check: Birdsong got you zen? Raindrops on the window? Close your eyes, listen deep, let the worry melt away.


3. Sniff sniff happiness: Lavender fields? Fresh coffee brewing? Try to pay attention to the smells around you.

4. Slow down and savor: Herbal tea? Dark chocolate? Pop something yummy in your mouth, but enjoy each bite. Taste the present, anxiety can’t touch you here.

5. Touchy-feely time: Wiggle those toes, direct your attention to what you are feeling when you wiggle your toes. 

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Repeat, breathe, be present. 

How to Lean on Your 5 Senses When You're Anxious

When you feel like you are about to lose your crap, you can lean on your five senses to distract you enough to calm down. 

We’ve all been there – trying to hold back tears, or trying to keep yourself from saying something you might regret. 

Right as you feel anxious, take your attention straight to your five senses. If you aren’t super familiar with the five senses, I remember them easiest when I mentally start to think of them from top of my head down: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. 

1. Start with your eyes.

2. Move Down to your ears

3. Move over to your nose

4. Move down to your mouth

5. Then make the happy hand movement to remember touch. 

1. Sight: What Do I See?

When anxiety hits, start by bringing your attention to your eyes. Ask yourself, “What do I see?” Take a moment to look around and mentally note the colors, shapes, and details in your environment. 

Verbalizing this out loud can help reinforce the shift in focus and ground you in the present moment, providing a simple yet effective way to manage anxious feelings.

2. Sound: What Sounds Are Present?

Now, tune in to your ears. Ask yourself, “What do I hear?” Whether you say it out loud or in your mind, actively listen to the sounds surrounding you—be it the soft hum of appliances, the melodies of birdsong, or distant voices. Verbalizing the question can reinforce your focus, guiding you to actively engage with the present auditory experience. This simple practice helps divert your attention from anxiety, offering a moment of relief as you connect with the diverse and calming sounds of your environmen

3. What Smells Are Present?

Transitioning to the fourth step, gently shift your awareness to your sense of taste. 

Pose the question, either aloud or in your thoughts, “Is my mouth dry?” Take a moment to notice any sensations in your mouth, paying attention to whether it feels parched or moist. 

Verbalizing this inquiry, whether spoken or internalized, helps direct your focus to your present taste perception. 

This simple check-in on your sense of taste serves as an additional anchor, guiding you to the current moment and allowing you to further detach from anxious thoughts. By engaging with your sense of taste, you create a holistic and sensory-rich experience that contributes to a more centered and tranquil state of being.


4. Taste: Is My Mouth Dry?

Now, consider your sense of taste. Ask yourself, “Is my mouth dry?” Whether you speak the question aloud or think it in your mind, take a moment to observe any sensations in your mouth, noticing if it feels dry or moist. Verbalizing this inquiry helps channel your attention to your present taste experience, providing a straightforward yet effective way to distance yourself from anxious thoughts. This mindful exploration of your sense of taste adds to the sensory grounding, fostering a heightened state of awareness and promoting a sense of calm in the present moment.

5. Touch: Where Are My Toes?

Now, shift your focus to touch. 

Ask yourself, “Where are my toes?” Whether you say it aloud or think it, take a moment to locate and, if possible, move your toes. Notice the sensations – the pressure against your footwear, the temperature of the air.

Speaking this question out loud or in your mind directs your attention to the tactile experiences, providing a direct and tangible link to the present moment. Engaging with your sense of touch, especially focusing on your toes, reinforces your connection to the current experience and offers a straightforward way to ease anxious thoughts, fostering a deeper sense of relaxation.

Conclusion: Questions to Ask Yourself When Anxious

By exploring these five questions based on our senses, we unlock a straightforward and effective approach to calmness. 

From observing our surroundings to actively listening, identifying scents, checking our taste sensations, and feeling our toes, each question invites a moment of mindfulness.

Whether spoken aloud or reflected upon internally, this sensory journey serves as a practical guide to anchor ourselves in the present, providing a tangible means to ease anxiety. 

These intentional inquiries empower us to cultivate tranquility, fostering a deep connection with the richness of our immediate experiences and allowing for moments of peace in the midst of life’s challenges.

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