Daily Devotions Book: The Best Gift From My Angel

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I was given a daily devotions book from a Christian friend who has since gained his angel wings. This collection of daily devotionals and bible verses is one of my most treasured gifts. And, I’m pretty certain it can help you, too. 

This post is all about how Sarah Young’s daily devotional book, Jesus Calling, can add joy, peace, and meaning to your life. (Because it certainly has for mine.)

A daily devotions gift to and from page

I will never forget the day that Dave came to my office and made me cry (happy tears) by giving me the best gift ever – a daily devotions book. It was after he saw me struggling the day before and he wanted to give me something that helped him out everyday.

At the time, Dave was a retired man living on the lake looking for ways to help others, and add meaning to his time. He took a part time job from me, 22-year-old new Manager, at a place just a a block away from his home. 

At the time, I never understood why a brilliant military man with an impeccible resume would want to work as an entry level maintenance man, but now I can’t help but think that it had something to do with his intuition and mission to serve God.

He was over qualified, overworked, and gravely underpaid. But, he was clear on one thing – it wasn’t about the money, it was moreso something meaningful for him to do with his time.

He was the kind of selfless helper who took time off to volunteer for Christian projects like Samaritan’s Purse. His passions were very clear – he loved God, he loved his wife, and he loved helping people. 

A few years later after we were both in different places, I saw online that he had passed away suddenly from a heart attack.  

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Now, I carry the devotional book with me in my purse just about everywhere as a reminder of the angel who was with me then, and who I still believe is with me now. 

And, today, I think my Angel Dave wants me to share the book with you. 

Sarah Youngs Daily Devotional Book Page

“Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young is like having a friend or angel with you every day.

 It speaks to you in a way that feels like Jesus is right there, giving you short messages and Bible verses. It’s a simple and comforting guide that makes you feel close to God. 

Think of it as a daily friend helping you feel better and making your day brighter. 

Daily devotionals are short messages or readings meant to inspire and guide you spiritually each day. 

They often include quick reflections along with relevant scripture or passages from religious texts. These little moments of connection can be a helpful practice, giving you encouragement, comfort, and a sense of purpose. 

By making daily devotionals a part of your routine, you may find a source of inspiration that contributes to your well-being and helps you stay positive in the midst of life’s challenges. 

List of devotional perks:

  • Encouragement and comfort
  • Daily moments of reflection
  • A sense of purpose
  • Spiritual growth and connection
  • Positive mindset amidst challenges

The Bible verses in “Jesus Calling” are like little nuggets of wisdom carefully chosen to guide, inspire, and support you. 

They can bring comfort during tough times, offer wisdom for decisions, and remind you of God’s love. Reading these verses helps deepen your understanding of faith, find strength in challenges, and create a sense of peace and purpose. 

They’re like a source of spiritual strength, providing timeless truths to positively impact your mindset and well-being. 

In wrapping up, my daily devotional book, a precious gift from my angel Dave, has truly been a transformative journey. 

Dave’s thoughtful gesture, driven by his deep connection to God and a mission to help others, introduced a daily ritual that brought comfort and encouragement into my life. His selfless dedication and love for spirituality left a lasting impact. 

The devotionals and Bible verses within the book have become a daily source of strength and inspiration, reminding me of Dave’s angelic presence in my life.

 As I continue this practice, I’m inspired to share this gift with others, spreading love, kindness, and spiritual growth, keeping Dave’s legacy alive.

I miss you, Dave. Thanks for everything.


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